Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Be very careful about who you jump on every day. There may come a time when the one you have been bullying will have the advantage.


  1. Where's the picture of Munchy about to swat Lingers?
    I love how Lingers looks so innocent. Thought bubble, "I'm just an adorable little cutan just laying her in the blanket. I've never ever done anything wrong..."

  2. We (Troy Bear, Creative Bureau Cat and the male Munchy) love it! Your new blog has been added to T-B's My Blog List. Please keep up the good work... Munchy says ROWRR! Jos. from T-B

  3. The Ant stores provisions, whilst the Cricket eats it..

  4. okay, this is so effing cute I could die. DIE. please post more. I'll give you a special, extra big announcement on Fierce and Nerdy if you do...
